What I Offer My Clients
Comprehensive Technology
Design, Education,
& Installation
I provide customer-facing strategies and technology design, including installation and art design services, to help businesses create an inviting and engaging experience for their customers.
I provide organization-wide technology outfitting, integration, upgrading, training, and education services so everyone is up-to-date, knowledgeable, and comfortable.

Hello, I'm Matthew Anderson
One Man Band.
I am a leader; a pioneer; I rise to the occasion;
I think outside of the box. I understand what people like, and what motivates them. The people in my life I have worked with and for, hundreds of colleagues in all walks of life, and many leaders across the industries I have spent time in, look to me as a leader; a problem solver. I am referred to by some as: The Tech Ninja.
I energetically provide my services and insight to my partners on a daily basis, to my absolute best ability. I build a clear vision of what is needed to make your business or organization successful, and I am equipped to execute all necessary objectives to lead your organization into the future.
Having experienced both the public and private sectors, I have a unique perspective in many aspects of this modern climate.
Throughout my career, I have been exposed to the wants, needs, and the many moving pieces
of our education system, our medical system, our political system, our food industry, our media.
I have worked hand-and-hand with doctors, teachers, executives, artists, musicians,
mechanics, professors, computer geniuses, directors, programmers, thespians, religious leaders, unions, printers, politicians, housekeepers, business owners, customer service representatives, librarians, entertainment venue owners, project managers, advertisers, salespersons, construction workers, public relations and media personalities.
I have strong rapport with all partners, and the deepest respect for all who work with me,
and those who service our goal of succeeding and thriving the best way we can.
I meet with administration panels to solo owners on a regular basis, partnering with them to fulfill and exceed their requests inside their budget parameters, to initiate or retrofit new or current needs into reality.
I look forward to every day, working with my partners,
to succeed; together.

What My Clients Say